Thermal Barriers
PhoenixTM develops Thermal Barriers to suit specific applications; for example coating processes require Thermal Barriers to be free of all traces of silicone, whereas in the heat treatment industry, where Thermal Barriers are subject to high rates of heating and cooling, minimizing Thermal Barrier distortion is the main criteria. In other processes such as heat treating aluminum road wheels Thermal Barriers need to withstand full immersion in water from a high temperature. In applications such as sealed gas carburising PhoenixTM has developed a unique Thermal Barrier. The Thermal Barrier design permits the system to safely pass not only through the furnace but also the oil quench allowing monitoring of the entire heat treat process.
PhoenixTM can also design Thermal Barriers to meet specific process conditions, such as steel reheat processes which require graded insulation layers to withstand the 2372°F temperatures within the furnace.
The many years experience of senior PhoenixTM personnel working within these industries is translated into the superior design of their Thermal Barriers for all heat treatment and finishing applications.
In addition to the extensive range of standard thermal barriers offered by PhoenixTM, we also offer a design service allowing unique specification, design and manufacture of bespoke customized barrier solutions.
Metal heat treatment
TS01 (Typical Application: General Heat Treatment)
0°C to 1472°F
Developed for processes up to 1472°F the PhoenixTM TS01 Thermal Barrier range is perfect for applications in the aluminium, glass and steel industries. Microporous insulation and a heat sink provide protection against the temperatures inside of the furnace. Made from high grade stainless steel, with an easy to replace thermocouple wear strip, the TS01 range is robust and durable. Special designs are also available for non-standard applications.
TS02 (Typical Application: Steel Gas Carburizing)
0°C to 1832°F
Processes such as carburizing at temperatures up to 1832°F, demand a Thermal Barrier which can withstand severe changes in temperature, pressure, and aggressive atmospheres. Strengthened and reinforced at critical points to minimize distortion, PhoenixTM TS02 Thermal Barriers are designed to offer full protection to the Data Logger in these demanding conditions. TS02 barriers are also fitted with extra heavy-duty catches, dual thermocouple exits and user replaceable thermocouple wear strip to help extend the life of the thermal barrier in these harsh environments and reduce the need for costly repairs.
For applications incorporating aggressive high-pressure gas quenches the barriers can be offered with robust independent quench deflectors. The barrier is protected from high forces so reducing risk of distortion and extending barrier life significantly.
TS03 (Typical Application: High Temp Vacuum Heat Treatment)
up to 2192°F
Processes at temperatures over 1832 °F, demand a Thermal Barrier capable of withstanding the rigours of thermal cycling and pressure changes to eliminate structural damage, shrinkage of insulation or distortion of metal work. PhoenixTM TS03 Thermal Barriers are designed to offer full protection to the data logger in these demanding conditions. TS03 barriers are constructed from a high temperature heat resistant alloy, high performance microporous insulation also fitted with extra heavy-duty catches, dual thermocouple exits and user replaceable thermocouple wear strip to help extend the life of the thermal barrier in these harsh environments and reduce the need for costly repairs.
For applications incorporating aggressive high-pressure gas quenches the barriers can be offered with robust independent quench deflectors. The barrier is protected from high forces so reducing risk of distortion and extending barrier life significantly.
To provide optimal space utilization of the Thermal Barrier in the TUS frame or product tray, maximizing thermal protection, the barrier can be provided in a unique octaganol form.
Special designs can be constructed for nonstandard applications.
TS06 (Typical Application: T6 Aluminum Solution Reheat)
0°C to 2012°F
Built for solution treatment and age hardening where high temperatures and water quench are part of the process, the PhoenixTM TS06 Thermal Barriers are designed to offer maximum protection to the Data Logger from these conditions. These Thermal Barriers use the principle of evaporating water to keep the Data Logger cool in the furnace, and can re-fill in the quench to allow it to undergo a further heating period as is normal in aluminum or stainless steel solution treatment. During the quench a water tight seal is maintained by using heavy duty seals and stainless steel compression glands around the thermocouples, this affords maximum protection to the Data Logger.
TS07 (Typical Application: Steel Slab/billet reheat)
up to 2372°F
Developed for high temperature long duration steel slab and billet reheat processes. Manufactured from the highest specification material and using graded insulation layers, the TS07 range accepts 10 and 20 channel Data Loggers and is designed for repeated use at temperatures up to 2372°F. For ease of assembly and Data Logger removal the TS07 features a Data Logger holding tray with integral thermocouple securing clamps.
TS08 (Typical Application: Aluminum Brazing (CAB & Vacuum))
up to 1292°F
Built for brazing aluminum radiators and condensers for automobile air conditioning and cooling systems, these Thermal Barriers are designed to protect the Data Logger against the harsh conditions inside the brazing furnace. Oxygen presence within the thermal barrier is reduced by purging the insulation with Nitrogen during the manufacturing process. This minimizes the possibility of oxygen contamination in the furnace. The TS08 thermal barriers have also been designed with no insulation exposed to the furnace atmosphere. This ensures it can resist acid attack, a common problem in CAB processes, and therefore extends the life of the barrier and reduces maintenance costs.
TS12 (Typical Application: Sealed Oil Quench Gas Carburizing)
up to 1832°F
The PhoenixTM TS12 Series Thermal Barrier for oil quench processes uses a two-part insulation system: The inner Thermal Barrier is completely sealed to prevent oil contaminating the Data Logger. The outer insulation layer provides additional heat protection in the furnace. The system is designed not only to go through the complete heat treatment cycle including the oil quench, but has enough thermal capacity to go through a wash cycle afterwards.
TS27 (Typical Application: Space Limited Long Duration Heat Treat)
up to 2192°F
The TS27 Thermal Barrier range has been designed specifically for heat treat applications where space is limited yet thermal protection is required for an extended time. Employing an evaporative water technology the high temperature Data Logger is kept at a safe 212 °F through the process. The ratio of insulation to volume of water in these barriers has been carefully calculated to optimize the barrier performance. Employing the evaporation of water as a means of temperature control, the release of steam into the process may restrict use for applications where a controlled environment is critical.
Offering compact systems, the TS27 design of barrier offers a unique solution to many new furnace technologies where space is limited, where robotic loading of the barrier or part is required. In some situations, it has even been possible to incorporate the barrier into the product being monitored (Aluminum Engine block) allowing the PhoenixTM system and product to be safely loaded together by robot into a rotary hearth furnace.
TS57 (Typical Application: Steel Tube & Aluminum Log Heat Treat)
up to 1832°F
The TS57 Thermal Barrier range has been designed specifically for heat treat applications where the process requires the Thermal Barrier to be cylindrical in form to match the product being monitored. The cylindrical shape is essential to either fit inside a tube or allow free rotation of the barrier fitted to the product as it is moved through a walking beam furnace. Employing an evaporative water technology, the high temperature Data Logger is kept at a safe 212 °F through the process and a unique design prevents loss of water even in the event of barrier rotation.
TS68 (Typical Application: Optical Profiling in Aluminum Brazing (CAB & Vacuum))
Up to 1112°F
The unique Innovative TS68 Thermal Barrier has been designed specifically for use with the PhoenixTM Optic System to allow Optical Profiling of aluminum brazing applications (CAB & Vacuum). The Thermal Barrier provides thermal protection to both video camera and torch(es) allowing a video to be taken through the furnace under normal production conditions. Ideal for detecting either furnace damage, flux build up or product transfer issues. Without lengthy furnace downtimes problems can be detected as part of normal production allowing quick corrective action (furnace clean down / repair) preventing product quality issues or line stoppages.
TS04 (Typical Application: Paint & Powder Coating)
-232°F to 572°F
Specifically designed for the finishing industry, the PhoenixTM TS04 Thermal Barrier range offer ease of handling and high thermal performance in a compact light weight design. They are designed to accept the PhoenixTM 6, 10, and 20 channel Data Loggers, and being built from silicone-free materials they are ideal for use in the automobile industry. PhoenixTM can also design Thermal Barriers for longer duration processes or where water spray may be part of the process.
TS64 (Typical Application: Optical Profiling in Paint & Powder Coating)
-232°F to 572°F
The unique Innovative TS64 Thermal Barrier has been designed specifically for use with the PhoenixTM Optic System to allow Optical Profiling of a typical paint oven application. The Thermal Barrier provides thermal protection to both video camera and torch allowing a video to be taken through the oven under normal production conditions. Ideal for detecting either oven damage or paint cure process issues (drips, runs etc) direct from the oven without need for line stoppages.
TS05 (Typical Application: Brick & Ceramic Firing)
up to 662°F
Developed for the ceramic industry, the PhoenixTM TS05 series Thermal Barriers travel beneath the kiln car for a sustained period at moderate to high under car temperatures. Built from high grade stainless steel these Thermal Barriers use evaporative water technology to keep the Data Logger cool and protect against mechanical damage and the dusty environment of a ceramic kiln. These thermal barriers have detachable thermocouple sockets which can be mounted remotely from the thermal barrier for easy thermocouple fitting.
Food Processing
TS14 (Typical Application: Food Processing (Cook Chill Fry))
-40°F to 482°F
Processes within the food industry such as deep fat frying, steam cooking, chilling and blast freezing, at temperatures from -40°F to +482°F, demand a Thermal Barrier which can withstand severe changes in temperature, and full immersion in hot oil, or water while affording maximum protection to the Data Logger. Features of the Thermal Barrier include silicone bungs to seal around the thermocouples, integral retaining plates to secure the bung position, and a special ‘O’ ring recess to prevent face plate distortion. Special designs are also available for non-standard processes.
TS24 (Typical Application: Food Processing (Cook Chill))
-40°F to 482°F
The TS24 Thermal Barrier has been designed specifically for food processing applications where submersion is not required. Ideal for frequent bake, roast or steam cook monitoring either in batch, rotary or conveyorized cookers. The barrier design provides an IP65 protection with removable lid allowing easy access to the Data Logger and quick interchange of thermocouples.
TS44 (Typical Application: Food Processing (Long Low Temp Chill))
-40°F to 482°F
The TS44 Thermal Barrier has been designed specifically for food processing applications where typically the product is large (Ham, Meat Joint) requiring a low temperature (<212 °F) long duration cook. The barrier design provides an IP67 protection ideal for protecting in steam/raining water cookers and water/brine chillers.