HTS07 Steel Slab and Billet Reheat
The PhoenixTM ‘thru-process’ temperature profiling system has been designed specifically to allow comprehensive monitoring of the entire slab/billet furnace reheat process. Offering up to 20 thermocouple inputs using the PhoenixTM high temperature PTM1-220-HT data logger temperatures can be measured at the surface, centre and base of the product at various positions along its length.
The resulting temperature profile data can be imported directly into the furnace controller model to validate the correct selection of process parameters and assumptions applied.
Passing through the reheat furnace reaching temperatures of up to 1300 °C / 2372 °F the data logger requires significant thermal protection. Such protection is provided by the specially designed TS07 thermal barrier range. Manufactured using graded insulation layers and an evaporative inner water tank the controlled phased evaporation of water maintains the logger temperature at a safe 100 °C.
Applying accurate profile data to mathematical models targeted roughing mill exit temperatures can be set to obtain a desired furnace drop out temperature throughout the product thickness. Accurate control of such variables allows a successful rolling operation with minimal scale build up maximizing mill yields, saving energy and maximizing production throughput.